Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Feeling a little better

Ashley's post-op discomfort is better today. She's still resting.
The team is working on getting the address book from her old cellphone into her new iPhone.

1 comment:

Ashley Mae said...

Dear Ashley,Uncle Pete and Auntie Crystal,
I know that you have alot of people praying for you and giving you strength and support, but I just wanted you to know, that even though you are somewhat new to our family, all of the Marios and Davies' are thinking about you! Ashley, you have made a great impact on all of us in the short time that we have known you, you are a strong, beautiful, and infinite will power! Just remember you have so much support, prayers, and love, especially in Saskatoon!
All of our love!

-Ashley Mario and all the rest of us in Saskatoon!