Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Out and About

Last Saturday night, not quite three weeks since her back surgery, Ashley was strong enough to attend the spring performance of UVA's Rhapsody Dance Ensemble. She's been a member since her first year at UVA, joining others who wanted to continue dancing while attending college. Many lasting friendships were forged at Rhapsody and it was great to see her celebrate with her pals. It was her first night outside a hospital since the end of March (we think - unless she's been sneaking off to the Corner without telling us). We were all pleased to see she's been paying attention during her PT sessions and moved through the labyrinths at Old Cabell Hall easily...easily enough to join her fellow fourth-years onstage for the final curtain and some well-deserved appreciation from her fellow dancers and the audience.

Backstage at Intermission

On Stage

Fellow Fourth Years

(Only three more weeks for the neck collar and back brace!)

Friday, April 11, 2008

"Looks like I gotta go to rehab..."

Ash checked in to rehab on Wednesday afternoon and has settled in to a daily routine of learning new ways to get familiar chores done. Her pain is under control for the most part, and she's focused on getting strong enough to attend graduation. Nice rehab hospital, but no wireless...bummer. I was going to give her the keys to this blog!
Here's the address:

UVA/HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital
515 Ray C. Hunt Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Visitors from 3-8 pm, but call her iPhone first to see what her schedule is.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Pain Management

Ashley is doing well, but dealing with a lot of pain (safe to say she was a lot happier before they took her IV away). This past weekend was long and mostly sleepless, but a steady stream of wellwishers, waiters and short-order cooks kept her mind off her discomfort. This morning the chronic pain team took over her meds, and think they have a mix that might work better for her. The pain is coming from the area of her surgery, so it is not unexpected, but doesn't make it any easier for her to deal with. Once the pain team gets it right, she can move to the next phase, which is rehab for two weeks, locally. We're hoping this will happen Wednesday. Then on to graduation day!!!
Thanks to all for the flowers, gifts, calls, emails, visits, companionship...the show of support this past week has been unbelievable, and much appreciated by Ash as well as her family.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Feeling a little better

Ashley's post-op discomfort is better today. She's still resting.
The team is working on getting the address book from her old cellphone into her new iPhone.